Ideas for Ticteando


Many stastistical tools and videos...

A post about some stastistical tools that i have found, and some that were suggested by a Ning community that i belong (Interactic 2.0):


Mathematical tools-> , and in teaching mathematics.

A mathematial search engine:


(Visual complexity) a data visulization tool->

(Solid SX) a data visualization tool->

Tableau, a tool to make graphics  ->

A IBM Software of data presentation-> Many eyes

Recent software by Microsoft that allows visualize, and use, the data in a large scale in a organize and simple way, for example see the video (Gary Flake no TED)-> Pivot

Without any doubt, the best way to visualize statistics, a presentation software created by  Hans Rosling-> gapminder

Many ways  of visualize data trow this Wiki:, i note this adress , ate the end of the Wiki, with tools that allow to visualize data organize by difficulty levels:
To acess more information go to this adress:



Google data visualization->

Elarnspace, data visualization post using Google data->

Google Data, a post at the site of Gapmider describing Google Data post ->

A way to search data trow Google-> Google trends


Using Social Bookmarking tool (example with the keywords "social age demographics")->, it can be amazing source of stastics, here`s an example of how you can use in your research


Information about countries

Nation Master ->  (..."a massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare nations. NationMaster is a vast compilation of data from such sources as the CIA World Factbook, UN, and OECD. Using the form above, you can generate maps and graphs on all kinds of statistics with ease.")

A site were you can find the number of World Wide Web pages that exists, it`s an interesting place-> (world wide web size)

Search place for demographics about  Portugal .

A place were you can find facts about several countries for demographic statistics-> factbook


Videos about this theme






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